Footbridge CFO Incisive, insightful and affordable CFO and finance services for you and your
startup, creatively and flexibly structured.
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CFO Services

As founder you want a financially driven and experienced head alongside you at critical decision points, like launching new pricing, incentivising sales teams, or prioritizing investment choices. Or building a company strategic roadmap for investors?

Insightful Analytics

Financial reports might contain answers but do you have time to make your own analysis. How do you keep your finger on the pulse, stay on top of the big picture, yet drill into the details when you need to? Which objectives and key results will best achieve your goals?

Accounting and Controlling

Accounting is not just about inputting data. You need to base decisions on sound fundamentals, approaching investors and sharing information with confidence.

Cost: Benefit

Even if you say “yes” to all of the above needs, of course every company has affordability constraints. Aren’t such experienced CFOs expensive? Isn’t it better to invest in sales before finance? Full time CFOs of the right calibre often command high salaries, but fractional approaches are becoming more common.

CFO Services

As a founder or CEO, who wouldn’t value a strategic and experienced partner alongside you at critical decision points, like launching new pricing or prioritizing tough investment choices?
If designing the roadmap and raising investment is taking you too far away from actually building your business, perhaps a CFO alongside you would enable you to drive growth on multiple fronts.

Insightful Analytics

Financial reports present data but valuable insights do not reveal themselves easily. How do you keep your finger on the pulse, stay on top of the big picture, yet drill into the details when you need to? Which objectives and key results will best achieve your goals?

Accounting and Reporting

Accounting is not just about inputting data and managing payments. You need to base decisions on sound fundamentals, approaching investors and sharing information with confidence.   A solid accounting setup, trust in the team, and using the right systems and technology helps you achieve this.

Cost : Benefit

Even if you say “yes” to all of the above needs, of course every company has affordability constraints. Aren’t such experienced CFOs expensive? Isn’t it better to invest in sales before finance?
Full time CFOs of the right calibre do command high salaries, but fractional approaches are becoming more common.
Footbridge blends strategic finance, analytics & forecasting, and accounting & reporting to cover all the bases.
A flexible and tailored scope makes it affordable for your stage of growth.

A flexible solution

There must be a different way - a creative and affordable solution.

An experienced CFO who really understands the important decisions you are facing.

A team to handle the daily finance operations with a partnership mindset, not just as an external service provider.

A cost structure reflecting the blend of everyday and value-added tasks.

A flexible contract structure with choices adjustable over time as you scale.

Ideal for companies who’ve raised small funding rounds so far, and who are scaling up or raising the next round to head into scale up.

If you are a founder or start-up CEO who needs the right CFO support, enable yourself to lead your team further and faster.

Register here for a call back and for more information on Footbridge CFO services.